Welcome to a pilot database with global data on Danish research.
Data has been curated and provided by Elsevier
The top menu displays the full range of planned search and analytics services. For now, the only active service is Search: Publications — the rest is on the agenda and in the lab. So click Search: Publications — or read more about the project below. -button will bring you back to this page.
28 Feb 2022:
- Beta-1 release of the portal database with data from Elsevier
Imported data:
- Scopus publication data with Danish country code from 2011 to date
- Crossref Funder Registry data for Danish funders
Data enhancements;
- Danish affiliation names have been mapped to standard forms (NORA names) and grouped in categories like universities etc.
- DK Main Research Area classification has been added based on mapping from Scival subjects
- OECD classification has been added based on mapping from Scival subjects
- Collaboration countries have been mapped into regions (NORA names) of analytical interest, like OECD, EU, etc.
- Interlinking across all four databases ("Matching records in") has been implemented based on DOI-matching
Search functionality:
- First version of basic as well as expert search
Help and guides
- Currently we provide in-context help in the form of mouse-overs and pop-up windows
Analytics functionality
- To be added later in 2022
An overview of improvements of the current status (above) that we are currently working on.
Imported data
- Elsevier data is imported in a less structured form, hence some of the Scopus/Scival enhancements on fields such as group authors, publishers and affiliation names are not reflected. We'll be working with Elsevier to see how we may improve this
- Some records will not include abstracts even though being displayed by the data provider. We'll be working with Elsevier to see how we may improve this
Contributor names
- Individual contributor names, especially those containing Danish characters, need to be cleaned up and unified. This is clearly demonstrated in the Contributors filter. We'll be working with Elsevier to see how we may improve this
Affiliation names
- Mapping of Danish affiliation names to NORA standard names is primarily based on Elsevier's normalization of these names into affiliation groupings represented by an "Affiliation Identifier". If you think the normalization of your institution’s name variants could be improved, read here how you may work with Elsevier to improve this via the 'Institution Profile Wizard'
- Furthermore, together with Elsevier we will investigate how information from Elsevier’s organization database OrgDB may be exploited in order to normalize affiliation names
Location names
- Some records have a Danish country code, but do not have an explicit Danish affiliation as part of their metadata. These records are includes in the NORA database, but are not connected to any Danish organizations in the 'Danish Affiliations filter' and/or Denmark as a country in the 'Locations filter'
Open Access
- The 'Open Access filter' is under development. Elsevier's Open Access types will be mapped to standard types of the NORA database
- 'Full text Access' under NORA Metrics and Extras in the record full view is under development. For now you can only see if there is an OA-publication of the record available and not what OA-version it might be
- Citation and references from Scopus are missing. We are currently working with Elsevier on how to implement this information
Funder names
- In collaboration with Elsevier, we're trying to improve the detection and normalization of name variants - especially for the Danish funders
Subject categories
- SDG classification is missing as a filter option. We are currently working with Elsevier on how to implement this information
- FOR classification is missing as a filter option. We are currently working with Elsevier on how to implement this information
Help and Guides
- As we move along - and collect user feedback - we'll add more user guides, PDFs as well as videos
Save Query
- A possibility of saving your query is being developed and fully implemented at a later state
Save Query
- A possibility of saving your query is being developed and fully implemented at a later state
Improving the 28 Feb 2022 Beta-1 release
- Processing user feedback
- Carrying out third party usability testing
- Fixing bugs and serious usability problems
- Extracting and prioritizing ideas for improvements
- Developing and testing improvements
- Launching the Beta-2 version
Imported data
- Add Elsevier patent data pertaining to Denmark from 2011 to date
Data enhancements
- Enhance the mapping and normalization of Danish affiliation names
- Enhance the mapping and normalization of Danish funder names
Search functionality:
- Improve the discovery and inclusion of person name variants in contributor search
Analytics functionality
- Add the first analytics module
Elsevier is our partner in building this pilot database of Danish research, observed from the national perspective. Elsevier contributes data as well as expertise in order to achieve the best possible result within the time frame of the pilot. Reuse of data from the Elsevier pilot database is not allowed without permission from the data provider.
Once the very dynamic Beta-phases have been completed and the parties have agreed to continue the collaboration in a production environment, we'll start finalizing the technical documentation and adding links to the various sections here.